
WELCOME BACK! <3 It’s so nice to see you guys back on campus. I’m Silja Kalaja and I’m Sporticus’ Communication and Information organizer. This is our monthly newsletter.

Monthly newsletters gather all the important things and events of the month, as well as any job offers. Remember to also follow JYYTISET for more information on important matters and events. You can subscribe to JYYTISET here.

Make sure to follow @sporticusry on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to stay updated on Sporticus activities.



Freshmen party thu 6.9. @ nightclub London

The scorching summer is beginning to fade behind us, and slowly it’s time to return to Sports...Which, of course, means that the fun is only going to increase – soon you’ll be able to dig out those overalls that have been buried in the back of your closet since Vappu and put them on again!

The new party will once again bring all Sporticus’ members together, and at the same time, the freshmen will get a taste of the traditions of Liikunta. Students from other years will, on the other hand, be pondering the perennial questions: Until what time is Ilokivi open? Is there coffee at OT? Which freshman will make the most spectacular entrance? How many eager faces will find their way to the new parties this year?

As usual, these legendary parties will take place on the first study week, this year on Thursday September 5th, at the nightclub London. The doors will open for Sporticus’ members at 22:00, there will be programme at 23:00, and the night will continue well past the stroke of midnight! Entry for Sporticus members 2€, and for non-members, it’s 4€ (+ coat check for both). Ticket sales on start on August 29th at 10:00!

Remember to activate your membership on Kide.App to get the free ticket. Everyone has to have a ticket in their Kide.App wallet before coming to the party. Tickets to this event are only sold in Kide.App.

WHAT? New Student Party 2024

WHEN? Thursday, September 5th, 22:00-05:00

WHERE? London

HOW MUCH? 2€ for members / 4€ for others on (+ coat check)

WHY? Traditional kick-off for the new academic year!

Forest trip mon 9.9. @ In the forest…

What happens in the forest, stays in the forest… The most mysterious moment of the fall is upon us once again, as the new Liikunta students are invited to explore the depths of the forest and discover what uniquely connects our students and the forest. Do the new students have the courage to uncover the truth behind this tradition?

The trip begins on Monday, September 9th, at 4:45 PM from the Campus trackfield, from where the journey continues towards our destination. The forest trip is intended for all new students, including freshers, master’s students, and exchange students. The event is free but all participants must claim a ticket from Kide.App.

Make sure not to be late for the trip, as latecomers will be warmly remembered with punishments! Be sure to bring plenty of warm clothing, food, drinks, a sense of adventure, and if you’re interested in gaining favor, be sure to include some bribes in your hiking gear!

WHAT? The ultra-mysterious sports forest hike

WHERE? In the forest…

WHEN? September 9th, 2024, starting at 4:45 PM

FOR WHOM? All new sports students

WHAT TO BRING? Warm clothing, boots, drinks, food, a flashlight, a willingness to participate, and of course, bribes!


WHY? Because everyone must experience the forest trip!

Freshmen sitsfests wed 18.9. and thu 26.9. @ Tilia

More info coming up on Instagram and our websites

Sporticus x Pörssi syysretki sat 21.9. 

More info coming up on Instagram and our websites

Bottle run mon 30.9. @ Campus trackfield

More info coming up on Instagram and our websites



Season Kickoff Sessions (free of charge):

  • BEAT 45'
    Monday, September 16th, 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
    Max participants: 22
  • YOGA 60'
    Saturday, September 21st, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
    Max participants: 29

@ Kauppakatu 32, Jyväskylä

Registration opens on Kide.App on September 9th at 10:00 AM.



We are looking for active members to join our event committee! 

The committee members’ tasks include assisting in event ideation and practical arrangements. On the fall semester event commitee is needed especially for our monthly events. In addition the members have hoped for sport events and the commitee could really help with those. You can choose your tasks quite freely and do for example only photographing, TikToks or decorations to events. Only your imagination is the limit!

You don’t need prior experience in event planning to apply; genuine enthusiasm and a positive attitude are sufficient.

Application period: first pics on Friday 6th of September but you can also apply constantly.

Additional information:


The iconic Liikunta hoodies are available to order soon! Fittings will be held during Week 38, every weekday in the Liikunta lobby from 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM.

These high-quality Craft hoodies are available in both men's and women's styles, in sizes XS-2XL. You can choose to have your course year (e.g., "24"), "STAFF," or leave the logo’s white section blank. The print is included in the price.

Hoodie prices:

Members: 66 €

Non-members: 78€

Orders are accepted from September 11th to September 22nd. The next opportunity to order will be next fall, so make sure to place your order in time!



Hi new student! Did you know that your studies are protected by the student's rights, which are based on e.g. to the Constitution, the University Act and the degree regulations of the University of Jyväskylä. You have e.g. the right to know in advance the goals and methods of completion of the course and to receive a justified assessment of your academic performance. In addition, you have the right to receive equal treatment and to study without harassment. You can learn more about student rights on the website of the University of Jyväskylä Student Union.

Often, problem situations related to student rights are solved by the cooperation of students and staff. If you encounter problems, you can contact Sporticus' education policy representative by email (


Through this channel, you can provide feedback, development ideas, or greetings to the Sporticus board. You can find the feedback jar here.




Silja Kalaja

Communication and Information organizer and the rest of the Sporticus board